March 4th every year It is considered obesity day. Worldwide, there are more than 800 million people facing obesity, which may result in many health problems. And for good health, controlling weight with diet control and the IF method is another method that is very popular nowadays. But that doesn’t mean IF is a suitable method for everyone. Knowing how to do IF correctly and in a format that suits you is important.
dietitian Weight control and obesity treatment clinic Bangkok Hospital provides information about Intermittent Fasting (IF) or intermittent fasting. It is a method of losing weight that is very popular today. The IF weight loss method involves setting a time period for fasting (Fasting) and eating (Feeding) without emphasizing changes in food consumption patterns. But setting the time to eat will reduce the amount of food eaten and reduce the energy from the food received.
And during the fasting period, the body will secrete the hormone insulin (Insulin), resulting in a decrease in the conversion of blood sugar to fat. It causes the storage of subcutaneous fat and weight to decrease. And when insulin levels decrease, the body secretes growth hormone and norepinephrine. (Norepinephrine) also increased.
This hormone helps the body burn fat and increases energy metabolism. without causing muscle mass to decrease like continuous fasting And when the ufabet weight is reduced The amount of fat in the body decreases. It will help reduce the risk of developing various non-communicable chronic diseases such as diabetes, high fat, and high blood pressure. Coronary heart disease and stroke Helps the nervous system work better.
Can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Research has found that doing IF helps slow down cell degeneration. And research has shown that Fasting tends to increase lifespan, with IF stimulating autophagy, a mechanism that helps with cellular repair. Normally, cells in the body are constantly regenerating and dying. When cell autophagy occurs, new, healthy cells are created to replace old, worn-out cells.
There are several ways to use the IF format. But what is popular is
Lean Gains or the IF 16/8 formula, eating during 8 hours and fasting for 16 hours, is a recommended formula for those starting to do IF because it can be done easily, continuously, and does not affect daily life too much.
Fast 5 involves eating only 5 hours and fasting for 19 hours continuously.
Eat Stop Eat means fasting for 24 hours 1 – 2 times a week. On days when you’re not fasting, you can eat as usual. But you must eat appropriately and adequately to meet your body’s needs.
5:2 means eating normally for 5 days and eating fasting foods for 2 days, which you can choose to do 2 days in a row or apart. The method involves reducing the amount of food. For example, men can eat 600 calories and women can eat 500 calories, or about 1/4 of the calories they receive per day.
Alternate Day Fasting, fasting every other day. It’s a rather harsh method. Because you have to fast for 1 day, eat food for 1 day and then fast for another day, but this is the same as the 5:2 IF formula because on Fast days we can eat low-calorie food. But you must eat as little as possible.
However, IF alone may not lead to weight loss. If you still eat foods that are high in energy than your body needs. When restricted for too long, it can cause hunger and increased appetite. When it’s time to eat, you may eat whatever you want. If there is a lack of control and restraint, there is a risk that you will eat more than your body needs.
Or you may feel guilty about eating too much food. Can cause stress And if there is a lack of discipline and continuity in doing and exercising, it may cause the weight to not decrease. You should study information and check your own physical condition before, during and after IF. In addition, you should consult and be under the supervision of a skilled doctor. Especially in people with health problems To help plan nutrition for doing IF correctly for the right amount of time.